Bismillah. Hai friends, followers,& circles.
This year might be more fascinating and adventures. Life goes on as usual. But some people really love to find inspirational things. Get your inspirational things such as books, movies, songs, or people who inspiring by their achievement. I also have someone that give me such wonderful inspiration. Our kept-secret talented number one singer Siti Nurhaliza is the one in a few people was inspiring me. This special song, her new song call "Lebih Indah" very beautiful and strong song was publish by the end of last year 2013. Shortly, let we sing together this amazing song! YOU WILL INSPIRED! Wish This Year Life More Amazing & Beauty.
Watch this amazing video ^____^
Terlihat tika
Titisan hujan
Begitu resam alam
Perlu ada kepelbagaian
Cabaran dan dugaan
Membuat hidup lebih indah
Di sekelilingmu
Ada dinding dinding yang menghadangi
Dan menghalangi
Di sekelilingmu
Ada laut-laut yang menghampari
Dan merintangi
Verse 2
Jiwa serta raga
Cinta jiwa cinta
Kau harunginya
Kau harunginya
Purnama jingga
Di langit senja
Warnanya yang tercipta
Dari debu zarah udara
Mengajar hidup kita
Ragamkan menghasil yang indah
[Ulang Chorus]
[Ulang Verse 2]
Tiada yang mustahil di dunia
Segalanya mampu ditawan
Sejauh manakah kemahuan
Demi ke sana
[Ulang Chorus]
[Ulang Verse 2]
Daaaa.... Have a good year!
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